Packaging Design Insight

Why Choose the Pouch for Soup Packaging?

Views : 1188
Author : East Proper Good
Update time : 2021-06-02 18:49:38

Why Choose the Pouch for Soup Packaging?


It's no secret that the trend in the packaging industry has been moving from rigid to flexible food packaging. Walking through the grocery store a year ago (much less 10 years ago) provides a completely different view today that has nothing to do with product - it's the package!
Eat Proper Good also designed the soup packaging to an environmentally friendly new pouch format - Mix things up a bit and go all in on stand up pouches.



Why they chose the pouch for soup packaging

  • Saving shipping space - Pouches are incredibly lightweight, flexible and almost have 100x more shipping efficiency than a can. Pouches are the opposite to all this being super light and efficient with space. 
  • Less Waste - The plastic in the pouch is on full display, and you can see exactly how much plastic there is, pound for pound the weight of waste of a can is much more than a pouch.
  • Pouch Performance - In terms of performance, pouches offer the same shelf-stable options as cans, and actually are even better than cans as we do not need to add any artificial preservatives to keep things fresh and tasting great - the pouch technology does it all.
  • Pouch Recycling - The pouches are fully recyclable in the recyclable stream.
  • User friendly - The pouches keep things fresh and are more user friendly as you can heat your meal in the pouch in a microwave, you cannot do that with rigid packaging due to the metal in the packaging.

It’s a good example for the soup packaging. BPS has the capabilities to help create a unique ecofriendly packaging that suit your target use.
At BPS, we have the latest and greatest information that is going on in the packaging industry. With over 10 years of experience in packaging, we have seen the wave of trends come and go, so we want to make sure you are aware of all the new things going on in the industry.
If you are in need of a packaging solution for soup or food, we can partner with you to streamline your packaging.
Contact BPS Team:
Let’s make your product stand out in anywhere!
Source: East Proper Good

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