Packaging Design Insight

6 Supplement Packaging and Labeling Trends in 2021

Views : 1158
Author : Nutrascience
Update time : 2021-06-17 18:08:59
6 Supplement Packaging and Labeling Trends in 2021
Let’s start with a question or two.
What’s more important? The ingredients inside your dietary supplement or the outside packaging?
It’s not a trick question. Most supplement business owners put a lot of effort into creating, revising, and finalizing their product formula, but tend to spend little-to-no time thinking about how their product label should look or how their product should be packaged.
While product quality is of the utmost importance, the appearance of your finished product should not be overlooked. In fact, by the end of this article, I promise you'll realize that your label and packaging design can make all the difference when it comes to the success (or failure) of your product.
Moreover, your product's label can make or break your brand if you're selling through online channels. The reason being - offline mediums give the consumers a chance to physically understand the product, which significantly impacts their purchase decisions. On the contrary, online buying decisions solely depend on the consumer's experience while looking at the product's pictures, its label, and the information present on it.
New Trends in Supplement Packaging and Label Design in 2021
Trend #1: Flexible packaging trends are gaining new ground
In 2019, flexible packaging accounted for 19% of the total packaging materials in the United States
What is flexible packaging? The general definition describes this as packaging that does not have a rigid structure and can change shape.
Because of the many benefits of flexible packaging, such as environment-friendly features –Compostable Pouch and end-of-life recycling initiatives - Recyclable Pouch, NutraScience Labs believes the popularity of this type of packaging will rise in 2020, especially with the additional features it possesses like:
  • Easier storage because of its flexible structure
  • Easy for customers to open and reseal
  • Extended shelf life
  • Can be stacked easily for shipping
  • Weighs less than conventional packaging
  • More cost-effective packaging compared to other packaging types

Trend #2: Sustainable packaging is here to stay
Consumers are becoming more aware of sustainability issues and are making purchasing decisions they perceive will be less harmful to our planet. In 2020, NutraScience Labs predicts more brands will use sustainable packaging designs such as biodegradable packing instead of non-recyclable plastics. Sustainable packaging for supplements can include convenient recycling options for customers allowing them to do their bit in helping to save the planet.
Click the below link and connect with BPS that offers a variety of sustainable packaging solutions:
Trend #3: Transparent and clean label trends
Both these terms
hold high value for consumers and are often incorrectly used interchangeably. However, these are two distinct trends that are explained in more detail below since they are related to one another.
Clean label trends
About 50% to 75% of consumers would qualify “clean” labels as those with natural ingredients or fewer ingredients that are familiar and easily recognizable. Such products usually contain natural ingredients associated with better nutrition, ethical sourcing, and environmental sustainability. These products do not contain artificial or synthetic ingredients.
Trend #4: The use of colors, designs and gradients
Packaging design
is used to grab the attention of consumers. According to Emerald Insights, 62% to 90% of a consumer’s purchase decision is based on the color alone
Trend #5: Big companies will have to follow new FDA label requirements
The new guidelines for Nutrition Facts labels, published by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in May 2016, were created to make it easier for consumers to make informed supplement choices
Trend #6: Customized and personalized packaging
The popularity of digital printing has grown phenomenally in the last decade, setting into motion the customization and personalization of labels.
Supplement business owners are not far behind in the personalized packaging trend. The Vitamin Shoppe offers customized supplement plans through their “Only Me” program. Persona is another company that offers customized nutrition in the form of supplements. Both these companies offer personalized packaging in sachets based on a customer’s answers to a questionnaire on their website. Persona goes a step furthe
r by offering doctor-approved supplement recommendations for their customers.
At BPS, we have the latest and greatest information that is going on in the packaging industry. With over 10 years of experience in packaging, we have seen the wave of trends come and go, so we want to make sure you are aware of all the new things going on in the industry.
If you are in need of a packaging solution for supplements, we can partner with you to streamline your packaging.

Contact BPS Team:
Let’s make your product stand out in any where!
Source: Nutrascience
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