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Affordable Eco-friendly Coffee Packaging: Fully Recyclable Pouches

Views : 1335
Author : Jasmine Zhang
Update time : 2020-11-12 19:45:17

Affordable Eco-friendly Coffee Packaging: Fully Recyclable Pouches


Are you thinking about switching to more eco-friendly coffee bags, but hesitate because of the extra costs?
While compostable biodegradable pouches are too costly to afford, FULLY RECYCLABLE PACKAGING has become a popular choice by more and more coffee companies.
What are the sustainability benefits? 

  • Reinforcing the image of your environmentally responsible brand.
  • Consumers can discard our mono-plastic bags into the recycling bins, so they can be collected and enter a waste management flow to obtain raw material from a residue for a different application, thus contributing to the circular economy.
  • By changing to our recyclable materials, the carbon footprint of your package can be reduced around 60%.
  • Available in all pouch styles, sizes and various printing options
  • High oxygen and moisture barrier to preserve coffee freshness
  • Recyclable zipper provides durable resealibility
  • Recyclable valve functions well to keep coffee fresh while allowing CO2 to release
  • Fully customized with brand-boosting printing solutions

What Recyclable Coffee Bag options are available?
Please check the catalog attached below:


Boost Your Eco Brand Image with our Special Printing Technologies
Making your recyclable mono-plastic bags look & feel more natural

*Paper-touch Finish: "It feels like touching a paper"
*Soft-touch Finish: "It gives a premium finish as soft as velvet"
*Kraft-color Finish: "It gives a natural look identical to a kraft paper"

Check out the video to view this magic –

Click the below link and connect with BPS that Offers Recyclable Packaging and a variety of sustainable packaging solutions:  
Blog Author & Editor: Jasmine Zhang
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